The most popular fruit in the world is apples, with over 450 different kinds of them! but do they go bad? This is a question you have probably asked yourself before.
The answer to this question depends on whether you’re asking about the fruit or an apple product. If you’re talking about apples as a fruit, then yes. If you’ve been in your kitchen and seen rotten apples, then it's safe to say that even healthy-looking ones will eventually spoil.

so back to your question, do apples go bad? yes, apples do spoiled after a time, but how long it takes depends on several factors. The most important is how it has been stored.
If you this fruit in abundance at the moment and are you wondering how to preserve them so they last you longer. You can adopt some of these methods to preserve them.
how to store apples?
This article will show you how to store apples in the fridge and in the freezer correctly and keep it fresh for longer
How to store apples in a fridge
Store your apples in the fridge. Apples are one of those foods that keep well for a long time if stored properly, but not at room temperature or in direct sunlight. The cold temperatures slow down their ripening process and also reduce the chance of mold growth on them.
You can store your apples in a brown paper bag instead of plastic, which helps keep humidity levels more consistent and slows down ripening even further.
Apples will stay fresh in the fridge for 3 to 6 weeks.
If you do have some apples with spots on them, you can remove the bad spots by cutting them out. Squeeze some lemon over the cut apples and use within 3 days (provided it would be stored in the fridge)
Tip: don't wash the apples before storing them in the fridge to improve there shelf life.
Other ways to store it
Over the countertop: remove the apples from the package it came with from the shop and transfer them to a fruit basket or a dry clean bowl. it will stay fresh for up to 10 days.
Cooked apples of any sort can be kept in the fridge for up to 3 days and longer in the freezer.
how to store apples in a freezer?
If you want to buy more than one or two bags at a time and wonder if they will last long enough for you to use them up before going bad, consider freezing your extra fruit. Not only does this allow it to last longer, but it also allows you to use it in smoothies or other recipes.
apples can be frozen whole, sliced, or diced. Freezing apples is incredibly easy and can be done while they are still fresh-picked or just when you realize you have more than you need.
Whole fruit: All you need to do is wash your apple thoroughly, dry it and freeze it whole in freezer-safe bags. I am not a fan of freezing a whole apple and if I have to do it, I make sure to core it first, that way it is easy to use in recipes and I don't have to worry about the seeds.
Sliced or diced: If you would be slicing the fruit, peel, and core it then slice or dice into your desired sizes. Transfer the sliced apples into salt water ( 5 cups water to 2 teaspoon salt) or lemon water (5 cups water 2 Tablespoon salt) to stop oxidation which makes the apples turn brown.
Drain and pat dry with a kitchen towel or paper towel before transferring to a lined rimmed baking tray in a single layer. Flash freeze for about an hour then transfer to a freezer-safe bag or an airtight container.
Shelf life: you can store the apples in your freezer for up to 12 months. make sure the freezer temperature is set correctly.
How to tell whether an apple has gone bad
Here is how to tell if Apple is spoiled. The best way to tell if an apple is no longer fresh is by looking at its underside and the top where the stem is.
If there are mold spores growing on the skin, they will typically start here first. This can help you quickly determine whether your apples have gone bad.

Other ways include
if you notice a powdery substance growing on the bottom of your apples, this is mold and it means that they have spoiled.
Another sign of spoilage would be soft spots where water accumulates at the base or stem area: these indicate bruising and lead to bacterial growth.
when apples start to rot, they exude a sweet musty odor that is not at all appetizing.
your apples have likely spoiled and it's time for them to go in the trash. With just a few simple tests, you can determine whether or not to release Ethylene, when you notice any of these signs, discard the apple.
How long does it take for an apple to go bad?
Apples are known as being one of the longest-lasting fruits out there, but they do have their limits, especially when it comes to storage time before spoilage sets in.
When kept at room temperature, they will only last about a week (or up to 10 days). If kept longer than a week the texture of the apple changes and it becomes almost grainy when you eat it.
If you want to keep your apple for even longer, consider keeping it in the refrigerator where it can last up to three weeks.
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Delicious apple recipes you can try if you have leftovers
In conclusion, apples are generally safe to eat for up to three weeks depending on how long they have been stored. Once you spot any mold or soft spots, discard your apple immediately so it doesn't become a health hazard.
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